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Counter Sketching Jewelry with Remy Rotenier (DVD)

Counter Sketching Jewelry with Remy Rotenier (DVD)


Now on Sale: current price is 20% off original

In Counter Sketching Jewelry, Rotenier teaches pencil and paper sketching to quickly capture ideas and bring to life a design concept in front of a client. He explains the materials jewelers need to sketch, and how to organically draw gemstones and jewelry in three dimensions. He also teaches how light hits opaque, metallic, and transparent objects differently as they are drawn. Concepts such as perspective, values (shades of color from light to dark), and shadows are thoroughly covered.

"It's really important if you sell custom jewelry to learn how to draw a little bit," says Rotenier. "Even in this era of so many digital design options, the ability to free-hand draw is impressive. You're able to get into clients' heads and deliver the individualized design they want. When you sketch in real-time, you also gain their trust that you have skills as a jewelry artist. You've shown them that you're not afraid to grab a piece of paper and start drawing. It gives clients a greater level of respect for the complexity and detail that go into creating a piece of jewelry. And there's no question it will help you close more sales."

Retail sales associates, students, jewelry makers, and designers can all benefit from Counter Sketching Jewelry's lessons. A special section of the DVD offers Rotenier's advice on working with custom clients, gained through many years of personal experience. He offers insight into many customers' fears and worries about the design process and costs. Jewelers also learn how to set up a comfortable space to relax clients and establish trust. The designer coaches custom jewelers in how to subtly observe a customer's style, talk about budget, and listen carefully.

2 DVDs
200 minutes running time

Included bonus content with printable course drawings and layouts. These handouts and worksheets are downloadable from the DVDs themselves. Please contact if you need help accessing these files.