Metalsmithing Tools
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Soldering board 6X6
Bench Pin and Anvil
Half round ring file 6 inch
Acetylene torch kit without tank
Hold-it! The moldable third arm solder positioning clay
Half round file 6 inch Cut 2
Out of stock
Soldering tip #1
Wide Finger Gauge (Sizing Rings)
Smart Flux - Firecoat Protection, Fluoride Free "Prips Flux"
Prong / Bezel Pusher - Square
Haymaker Saw by Lion Punch Forge
Small Ball Pein Hammer 2oz.
Charcoal block hard 5 1/2 X 2 3/4 X 1 1/4
Magna Soldering Block
“Rosy Revolver" Flat Back, Open Ring, Forming Ring Mandrel
4-1/2" Fiber grip tweezer for heetrix