All Tools
Jewelry, metalsmithing (silversmithing), casting, cold connection, PMC, soldering, etching, electroforming, enameling, and hand tools
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7" Rotating Soldering Pan w/clamp and pumice
Solderite board 6x6
Long flat nose plier 5 1/2
Soldering board 6X6
4" German style sawframe
Tripod 6"
3” Economy Divider
1 1/4" Chasing Hammer
5" German style Sawframe
Hold-it! The moldable third arm solder positioning clay
Bench Pin and Anvil
Bezel perfect Roller
Charcoal block hard 5 1/2 X 2 3/4 X 1 1/4
Small Ball Pein Hammer 2oz.
Brass hand brush-large
Sharp Edge Wax Carver Set of 6