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Wax carver
Swiss Style Hammer
Dormer Twist Drill Bit #61 - 10 Pack
Rerverse mandrel
Silicone Polishers Unmounted - Medium (Black) Square Edge Wheel, PK/12
Silicone Polishers Unmounted - Coarse (White) Cylinder, PK/12
Cold mold 1 oz
Red Casting Clay
1 1/2" Straight Burnisher
Wubbers Artisan's Mark Embossing Hammer
Pocket Wire Gauge
Flex shaft holder-screw mount
925 - 1MM Bent Stamp
Wax carver set-4 PC
1/16" Stamp Set -Letters & Numbers-(36 PC)
Silicone Polishers Unmounted - Medium (Black) Cylinder, PK/12